Custom Signet Rings

25 Oct

Types of Masonic Signet Rings Part One

Posted in Uncategorized on 25.10.10 by Merlyn

The Masonic signet ring is one of the ornaments of freemasonry that features these signs. Wearing the ring of a mason demands certain etiquette, however. The following is a description of the meaning behind these rings, the rings themselves, and the rules for wearing them.
The Masonic ring symbolizes several concepts to a freemason. The circular nature of the ring demonstrates the “eternity of the circle.” This “eternal” nature represents the bond of a mason to the brotherhood of freemasonry, in the same way that wedding rings show a bond of one person to another. The ring is also a visual sign to the world of a member’s dedication to the fraternity, as well as his authenticity, a concept that freemasons describe as a “cable tow,” a binding of the person to freemasonry forever.
People of various cultures, including popes, have worn a “signet” ring throughout history. Signet means “sign,” and signet rings were designed to display the authenticity of the wearer. The pope’s ring is large and gold and is called the “Fisherman’s Ring.” Other historical figures who wore signet rings were Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, Nero and Michelangelo.

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