Custom Signet Rings

08 Apr

Types of Monogram Rings

Posted in Uncategorized on 08.04.11 by Merlyn

Chances are you are probably wondering what the word monogram means well it is a synonym for someone’s initials. Your initials are the first letter of your name(s) and surname. It is quite common to engrave initials onto a ring especially if a couple is getting married and they both plan on sharing the same surname. If you are planning on buying a monogram ring there are a couple things that you should know which will help you make the right decision when it comes to selecting the proper ring for yourself and your mate. For one, you must pay attention to what precious materials are used to create the rings. Rings that are made from pure gold can be quite expensive so unless you have the money you should go with something less expensive like silver for example. You can buy a lot of different pieces of jewelry that are made from silver for a relatively cheap price and you will still benefit from them because silver is always very pretty. So basically if you are getting married or if you are deeply in love you could consider custom making a monogram ring for yourself and your partner.

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