Custom Signet Rings

08 Apr

Types of Manly Rings

Posted in Uncategorized on 08.04.11 by Merlyn

If you are planning on purchasing a ring for a guy you must consider the fact that he will probably not appreciate a delicate feminine ring. Most men are prone to enjoy manly things; its natural. But how do you identify what things are manly and what are not? Well, it is a well known fact that if something is thin, pretty, and delicate it is feminine; not manly. On the other hand if something is large, rugged, and tough looking it would be considered manly. So, if you are planning on buying a ring for a guy you must consider that he probably enjoys manly things so if you get him a feminine ring he won’t know what to do with it. Of course he will appreciate the gesture but he will probably never wear the ring. Basically, if you are going to buy jewelry for a man it must be manly or the guy is not going to wear it; its that simple. So what type of rings are manly? Well, as long as it is not sparkling, thin, and delicate a guy should have no problem wearing it. So just remember that men like manly things and you will have a very hard time getting a man to wear something that is feminine.

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